
  • 25TPH Residual Oil Boiler Delivered to Turkey

    Residual Oil Boiler is similar to heavy oil boiler to some extent. In June 2021, oil boiler manufacturer Taishan Group signed EP project of 25TPH residual oil boiler with Turkish cement company. The residual oil boiler parameter is 25t/h steam flow, 1.6MPa steam pressure and 400C steam temperatur...
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  • Large Capacity Modular Ultra-low NOx Gas Fired Hot Water Boiler

    Gas fired hot water boiler with large capacity, high-efficiency and ultra-low NOx emission features capacity 46~70MW and pressure 1.6~2.45MPa. it adopts double drum longitudinal "D"-shaped single-layer layout. The gas fired hot water boiler includes radiant heating surface module, convection heat...
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  • Taishan Won 33 Sets Coal CFB Boilers Order in Mongolia

    Coal CFB Boilers are most popular coal boilers in the world. In June 2022, Taishan Group signed contract with Byucksan Engineering, and total contract value is over two hundred million Yuan. We are responsible for the boiler room system design and equipment supply of 9 capital cities in Mongolia....
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  • Design of 130t/h Biomass CFB Boiler with Ultra-high Pressure and Reheat

    130t/h Biomass CFB Boiler has the following main features: 1)    The combustion temperature of the furnace is about 750°C, which can effectively prevent the fluidization failure due to low-temperature bonding of alkali metal-containing bed material. 2)    High-efficiency cyclone separator ensures...
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  • Optimization of Steam Air Preheater on Waste Incineration Boiler

    Steam Air Preheater is replacing conventional flue gas air preheater in most waste incineration power plant boiler in China. There is large amount of acid gases like HCI and SO2 in the flue gas of waste incineration boiler, which can cause ash deposition and low-temperature corrosion in the tail ...
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  • Design of WNS Superheated Steam Boiler

    WNS Superheated Steam Boiler is full wet back three-pass shell boiler. The structure of oil/gas fired steam boilers includes water tube type and shell type. Water tube boiler has flexible heating surface arrangement, large heat capacity, strong load adaptability, and big occupation. Shell boilers...
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  • Design of Small Capacity Coal Slurry Boiler

    1. Introduction of Coal Slurry Boiler DHS15-7.5-J coal slurry boiler is a single drum natural circulation corner tube boiler. The boiler drum is outside and not heated, and the furnace adopts membrane wall. The evaporation heating surface is composed of flag surface, membrane wall and close pitch...
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  • Característiques tècniques de la Incineradora CFB de RSU de gran capacitat

    L'incinerador CFB és un altre tipus de caldera d'incineració de residus a més de l'incinerador de reixeta. La caldera de llit fluiditzat de circulació té molts avantatges, com ara una alta taxa d'esgotament, un baix contingut de carboni a les cendres, un ampli rang d'ajust de càrrega, una àmplia adaptabilitat al combustible. No obstant això, el seu cost operatiu és relativament elevat. jo...
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  • Proposta de disseny de caldera de combustibles de biomassa a Tailàndia

    La caldera de combustibles de biomassa a Tailàndia crema principalment residus sòlids de l'agricultura i el processament de la fusta. A partir de l'economia baixa en carboni, l'escassetat d'energia i el rerefons de la contaminació ambiental, el govern de Tailàndia va fer plans per desenvolupar energies renovables netes. Aquest passatge proposa l'anàlisi final...
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  • Comparació entre el codi de calderes ASME i la llicència de fabricació de calderes de la Xina

    S/N Main item ASME Boiler Code China Boiler Code & Standard 1 Boiler manufacturing qualification There are manufacturing authorization requirements, not administrative license: After obtaining ASME authorization certificate, the scope of authorized manufacturing is relatively wi...
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  • El productor de calderes industrials va ser guardonat com a vicepresident de Taian ICC

    El grup de productors de calderes industrials Taishan va ser guardonat com a vicepresident de la Cambra de Comerç Internacional de Taian el 8 de gener. La Cambra de Comerç Internacional de la Xina (CCOIC) es va fundar el 1988. És una cambra de comerç nacional formada per empreses i altres organitzacions dedicades a . ..
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  • El fabricant de calderes CFB va guanyar el premi a la contribució excepcional

    El fabricant de calderes CFB Taishan Group acaba de guanyar un premi de contribució excepcional per part del seu usuari de calderes CFB GEM Company el desembre de 2021. El desembre de 2019, el fabricant de calderes CFB Taishan Group va guanyar un projecte EPC de caldera CFB de carbó 1 * 75TPH al parc industrial de Tsingshan, Indonèsia. Tanmateix, a causa del brot...
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